Without faith it is impossible to please god as it’s the key for entering the kingdom. There are two worlds conflicting with one another; the physical realm and the spiritual realm, the intellectual mind and the spirit. It’s critical we have a proper understanding of how these realms operate because as Christians, we are the gateway between these two worlds.
Faith is not just believing that God exists. The devil believes that god exists but he’s not saved nor is he part of god’s kingdom. Knowing that god exists is knowledge not faith. Our knowledge must be activated into faith for it to have any effect in our lives. The devil doesn’t care how many people believe that god exists as long as they don’t do anything about it. As soon as you step out in faith, all the powers of hell will try to stop you.
James 2:18 Show me your faith without deeds and I will my faith by what I do You believe that there is one God, Good! Even the demons believe that and shudder.
Faith is believing that god will show up in the circumstances we find ourselves in. Faith means to cling to, believe in, and to trust in our object of faith which is Jesus. So it’s our job to trust in god even when we don’t know what the answer is. It’s more important to know the one with the answer than to know what the answer is. Faith arises as we get to know who god is and have a proper understanding of how he works. This is why reading the bible is so critical. It reveals god’s nature. We find out that we can trust him with every issue in our lives.
God is for us, not against us. He does not cause sickness to teach us a lesson. He’s not there to cause bad things to happen to you. People wonder why bad things happen to good people. It’s because God has delegated the Earth to man, so whatever man decides to do will happen. Did you know that 90% of the things that happen on the Earth are not god’s will. You say, why doesn’t God prevent bad things from happening? He’s given the Earth to man. The only time god ever steps in is when we purposely invite him to do so. The fact is, that many people live their lives never inviting god to lead them, guide them, or protect them.
God wants us to be filled with the Holy Spirit but many have replaced the Spirits promptings with human reasoning. The Word says that faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of god. As we read the word of god we begin to understand who he is which allows us to hear his voice better. We find out he’s pulling for us and more willing to answer than we are willing to ask. He’s asked us to join him in his mission to restore the Earth and defeat the powers of darkness. Our soul needs to be more willing to follow the promptings of the Holy Spirit in simple obedience, for as we do, he provides the understanding of what’s happening in the spirit.
Faith comes first, then understanding. In the Western society we like to understand everything before we make a move. In the Kingdom of God you will not always understand everything right away, but we know we can trust God. For example, we will not understand the depths of salvation until after we step into salvation. In fact, understanding the deeper realms of salvation will probably continue for the rest of our lives.
James 1:22 Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.
James was trying to point out that faith required action. Those unwilling to act upon their faith were deceiving themselves. Jesus wrapped up the Sermon on the Mound with the importance of putting your faith into action.
Mat 7:21 Not everyone who says to me Lord, Lord will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my father.
Mat 7:24 Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock.
Jesus said that the only ones entering the kingdom of heaven were the ones putting his teaching into practice. If you want to read up on some amazing stories of faith we suggest you check out the Article called, America Almost Not Here the early settlers felt as though they were on a mission from God to birth a new county and it would cost many of them their lives.
Although the importance of reading the Word of God and putting Gods teaching into practice cannot be over stressed, it’s only half of the equation. Hearing from god for personal direction is also critical. Everyone can hear from God so tune your internal antennas to the Spirit of God and ask for a fresh filling of the Holy Spirit every day. Your mind and your spirit are two separate functions. God has always intended us to be led by the spirit and the mind is a tool that needs to submit to your spirit. Bill Johnson said it best, “The mind is a terrible master but a wonderful slave”. As we submit our minds to the spirit of god, the Holy Spirit will give us understanding. These truly are the keys to the kingdom.
If you don’t know how to tune into the spirit, find a prayer meeting and go to it regularly. Set your spirit on understanding what’s going on around you and you’ll start hearing from god. There are multiple ways God can talk to you and it will not always be through your mind. Get in touch with your heart, Jesus said that all the issues of life flow from the heart. Many times you will be prompted to do something, that prompt could have come from 3 different sources; yourself, god, or the devil. Discern where it came from, and if it did come from God, he will give you peace in your heart as you execute the task at hand. Through trial and error you’ll begin to understand how to be led by the peace in your heart.